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Revery.AI x Neiman Marcus

Integrating virtual try ons for Neimanmarcus.com︎︎︎

Neiman Marcus is one of the largest luxury retailers in the US. Revery.AI,  (SaaS) has partnered with them to integrate virtual try-on technology to increase conversion. As Revery.AI’s founding designer, I led visual and structural overhaul of the virtual dressing room (VDR) for SaaS proof of concept (POC) with Neiman Marcus, collaborating closely with Revery.AI’s CTO and the Neiman Marcus team to integrate the VDR.

Product designer

CEO, CEO, 1 Designer (myself)

Neiman Marcus Team
2 UX Designers, 1 Project manager, 2 engineers.

3 months

Project goal

Redesign Revery.AI’s Virtual Dressing Room (VDR) to seamlessly integrate to Neiman Marcus' e-commerce site.

The POC with Neiman Marcus is a significant milestone for Revery.AI in our aim to expand our reach to major fashion retailers. It aims to increase conversion and reduce returns by enabling Neiman Marcus’ shoppers to visualize and mix-and-match garments.


Spoilers ︎

︎  1M+ user sessions
  $   5% increase in average order value.

︎   4.1x increase in conversion rate after iteration.

︎  207.8% increase in add to cart click rate.


Virtual Dressing Room (VDR)

With the power of AI, the VDR enhances the online shopping experience by allowing customers to try on and mix and match clothing virtually. This can increase customer satisfaction, reduce the number of returns, and ultimately boost sales for online shops.



My contribution

  1. Define entry points.
  2. Redesign Virtual Dressing Room UI.
  3. Collaborated with the NM design team to apply design system.
  4. A/B test and iterate.

Background research

Desk Research

When I hoped onto the project, I had a 2 week deadline to produce the first design. I quickly did desk research to familiarize myself with Neiman Marcus' audience and their identify industry trends and best practices designing for a luxury retail e-commerce. Met with CEO & CTOs for additional insights and synced with the Neiman Marcus team, where I validated my findings and gathered more requirements to start design. 

Key learnings:

  • A loyal customer base, top customer average spend is over $25,000 annually, buying with Neiman Marcus 25 or more times a year.
  • Users have existing mental models with site experience and are satisfied, from 90% retention.
  • Their customers value a personalized shopping experience, Neiman marcus’ styling services were well received.

Information Architecture

Entry Point via Product Detail Page (PDP)

The goal was to make the VDR easily accessible from intuitive points in the user flow which confirmed the decision for the PDP page to be the entry point.

︎ Option 1: Entry points in Home.

︎ Option 2: Shopping Bag

︎ Option 3:
Product Detail Page (PDP).

User flow

The results page, product page and after selecting details are possible entry points for the VDR. However, I proposed the PDP entry point as visualizing looks is a natural continuation from reading the product details.

3 different entry points were explored and Product detail page (PDP) was proposed.

︎ Option 1: Awkward placement and breaks reading flow.
︎ Option 2: Highly distruptive, too close to CTA of adding to bag.

︎ Option 3:
Higher affinity with product image 


Heuristic Evaluation of existing VDR.

I conducted a walkthrough of Revery.AI’s demo using NNGourp's 10 Usability Heuristics and identified 3 overarching issues with the current design.

1. Lack of consistency and standards,
2. Match between system and the real world 
3. Aethetic and minimalist design. 

Design system

I made sure that my design aligned with their brand image. I also ensured that the design was intuitive by adhering to their UI patterns and interactions. This approach enabled me to seamlessly integrate my design with their digital ecosystem.

  • Create presets (category/brands/tags)
  • Upload up to 10 products
  • Feedback in inventory.


Natural mapping to organize tabs.

I designed the tabs to visually indicate the relationship between the item categories, by grouping tops and outerwear together and separating them from bottoms and shoes, reflecting shoppers’ existing mental models.